What is Green Real Estate?

Hi, I'm Jess!

I'm your New York and Connecticut Green Real Estate Agent.

You’ve probably heard that it’s important to buy a green home. But what does “green,” exactly mean?

When I talk about the term “green,” I am referring to homes that have low environmental impact and minimal negative impacts on human health. These types of homes include:

  • Built Green certified or LEED certified (the standard for green homes)
  • Energy Star rated or WaterSense certified (the standard for energy and water efficiency)
  • Smart Homes
  • Non-toxic materials used in construction, such as non-vinyl siding or insulation made with soybean oil instead of petroleum products

Green real estate—also called sustainable or ecologically friendly properties—are becoming more and more popular as people realize their impact on the environment through their homes' materials, construction methods, energy efficiency ratings and more. Green homes are healthier for both people and the planet!

Green real estate is exactly that, environmentally friendly.

Green real estate is exactly that, environmentally friendly. Green in this case means eco-friendly and can be used to describe homes that are built using environmentally friendly materials or sustainable materials. The concept of green real estate is an important one for the environment and your health.

Green construction and development use the least amount of resources possible while also creating a comfortable living environment for its occupants—you! This results in reduced environmental impact by lowering waste production, saving energy costs (which reduces carbon emissions) and promoting healthy indoor air quality through improved ventilation systems.

When you buy a home you've got to think about everything, right?

When you buy a home, you've got to think about everything, right? You can't just walk in and buy the first house that catches your eye—you need to take into account all the details, including what it's near. Is it close to work? Are there schools nearby for when your kids get older? Is there public transportation nearby for when you want to go somewhere but don't have access to a car? Is the home adaptable for electric vehicles? Could we utilize solar panels? Is there enough green space?All these things are important and they'll help determine if this is the right house for your family.

It's important to think about things like energy efficiency and water and air quality.

As you consider the green real estate options available to you, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Energy efficiency. Green homes are better for the environment and can help save money on your bills.
  • Water and air quality. Green homes are healthier for people to live in because of their superior air quality and water filtration systems, which will often include low-flow toilets and faucets that use less water than traditional models do.
  • A lower interest rate on a mortgage loan might be possible if you're buying a green home, since lenders sometimes offer lower rates to buyers who choose environmentally friendly options during construction or renovation projects (see [https://www.bankrate.com/mortgages/green-mortgage-loans/](Green Mortgage Loans) at BankRate).
  • Eco friendly homes and smart homes could give you more equity in your home.

Most experts agree that home buyers should consider purchasing a home that employs green technology.

Green technology is important for the environment, your health, the economy and future of home buyers. Green homes can be more energy efficient and save you money on electricity bills. Most experts agree that home buyers should consider purchasing a home that employs green technology, or can employ it.

Homes built with green or sustainable materials not only reduce the impact on the environment but can also contribute to government programs designed to help clean up the environment.

  • Build a green home: Homes built with green or sustainable materials not only reduce the impact on the environment but can also contribute to government programs designed to help clean up the environment.
  • Get a grant for building your home: There are many government grants available, such as those provided by HUD and LIHEAP, which can help you pay some of the costs associated with building your new green home. Currently the government offers incentives for solar, geo-thermal, electric vehicles and more at both state and federal levels.
  • Get an inspection after construction has been completed: A licensed inspector will walk through your new residence, checking for any potential problems that could cause issues in the future. They will also make sure that all appliances and other systems have been installed according to code standards.
  • Register your property so others know it is environmentally friendly: You don't want someone buying what they think is a healthy place only to find out later that there's mold growing behind one of their walls!

Buying a sustainable house is important for your health and for the environment. when you're looking for a house to buy, think about what makes that house sustainable.

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