Fresh ideas for keeping plants healthy all year long

If you're the kind of person who likes to take care of plants, then you've probably wondered how to keep them looking good all year long. Well, wonder no more! Let's Chat about how how to care for houseplants so that they stay healthy and happy all year round. I'll also share some tips on which plants can handle different amounts of sun and water, so don't worry if your windowsill isn't exactly what your plant needs—there are plenty of options out there that will thrive in any environment.

Rotate your plants

Rotation is the process of moving your plants to different parts of your home or garden. It's important because it helps prevent diseases and pests from spreading, and it also ensures that all your crops get enough light and water.

For example, if you have a small apartment with only one window, you may want to rotate the plants that are growing there so they receive equal amounts of sunlight throughout the day. This will help them stay healthy and keep producing fruit or flowers for longer periods throughout the year.

On the other hand, if you live in a large house with lots of windows (and therefore plenty of natural light), it might make sense for some of your houseplants to stay put without being moved around too much--especially if those plants aren't getting much attention from their human caretakers!

Which plants can have high sun or low sun

When it comes to the amount of sun your houseplants will need, there are two categories: high-sun and low-sun plants. High-sun plants require at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. They include Citrus trees, tomatoes and eggplant. Low-sun plants need only four hours or less of direct sunlight per day--bananas and pineapples fall into this category as well as avocados (though they're technically a fruit).

A people favorite is the Monstera. It has become a popular houseplant! Luckily, they’re also extremely easy to care for! Monsteras tend to thrive in most indoor environments and can grow very large and beautiful, becoming a piece of art or focal point in a home. These are not toddler or dog friendly though. This plant would be best for a child-free or older child home.

They won't die on you if you miss watering for a few days. For the fastest growth and largest leaves, place your monstera in bright, indirect light such as near an east or west facing window.

The ZZ Plant is another easy-to-grow plant due to its adaptability to a wide range of indoor conditions. The ZZ plant easily tolerates low light and doesn’t need much water. In fact, the plant often goes dormant (while staying green) over the winter and should only be watered once every 4-6 weeks or once the soil is fully dry. During periods of active growth in the spring and summer, more frequent watering encourages growth, as does bright, indirect light and warm temperatures. The ZZ plant can reach 2-3′ tall when fully mature.

When we’re thinking about beginner plants, we have to mention pothos. A beautiful and tough trailing plant, you can place pothos almost anywhere in your home. This is an adaptable plant that can take neglect and continue to look beautiful. It can maintain its shape and color even in a low-lit corner for a surprisingly long time. To encourage your pothos to thrive and grow, place it in a spot with medium or bright indirect light. The more light the pothos plant gets, the more water it should receive.

The trailing stems of pothos are also easily propagated. Just snip off a 4-6″ section, place the cut end in water, and wait for roots to develop!

Follow the Sun 

Not only are there fewer hours of sunlight during winter, but the rays also come in at a lower angle. You might need to relocate your houseplants to a brighter spot or even add supplemental light. A good spot is a south- or west-facing window that remains sunny all day. However, don't move plants too close to a frosty window because they might get a draft.

Rotate the pots about a 1/4 turn whenever you water your plants. This ensures that all sides of the plant receive some sun and grow evenly, rather than some branches stretching to reach the light.

Layers of dust on plant leaves can also reduce the amount of light they receive. Wiping down leaves with a damp cloth will remove this dust and allow the plants better access to light during the winter.

Some plants introduce nitrates

Nitrates are one of the most important nutrients for plants, and they're found in all parts of the natural world--in soil, water and even plants themselves. When you feed your houseplants with a fertilizer that contains nitrates (like Miracle-Gro), you're providing them with a source of nitrogen that they can use to grow strong and healthy.

The best way to introduce these essential nutrients into your garden is by adding compost or worm castings (which are also high in nitrates) into the mix before planting new seedlings or transplanting existing plants into their permanent pots or planters.

You can also add additional fertilizer once every couple weeks during summer months when growth rates increase dramatically due to sunlight exposure.

Pay Attention to Temperature 

Most plants, like people, are comfortable in daytime temperatures between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit and nighttime temps above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. To provide that for your plants, keep them away from both cold drafts and sources of heat such as radiators, ovens, fireplaces, and electronic devices.

You can keep plants alive

If a plant is too large to repot, you can top dress the soil by carefully removing the top few inches of soil and replacing it with new compost. Take a look at the steps for transferring your smaller plants into larger pots.

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